Ultra Roof - Replacement tiled roof systems

Do you need a new conservatory roof? If you have an old existing conservatory and want to replace your conservatory roof, the Ultra roof range gives you the ability to upgrade and improve.

Your tired existing roof can be upgraded to a high-performance Ultra roof with glazing panels, or an all solid roof option.

  • If you want a tiled conservatory roof that looks outstanding and provides incredible thermal performance, choose Ultraroof. This lightweight system is easy to install, thanks to its light weight; it also delivers incredible thermal performance.
  • Ultraroof is the lightest and strongest tiled conservatory roof on the market. It is designed to sit on old or new window frames and doors; unlike other solid roofs, it never needs a tie bar.
  • Whether you need a replacement conservatory roof – or are starting from the beginning – our Ultraroof tiled conservatory roofs will reward you with an interior space that’s light, bright, warm and comfortable.
  • Ultraroof features full-length glazing panels – not just smaller Velux-type windows. These full-length panels not only look stunning from inside and out, but they also ensure that the interior is flooded with natural light to ensure a feeling of space. This flexibility means that you’ll be able to bring light to your home, your way. More importantly, a roof that projects light into the rest of the house will add more value than a totally solid roof over a dark room.
  • You’ll be able to choose from a range of design options when you select Ultraroof. The external fascia boards are available in different colour choices to match or contrast with your existing window frames: ‘White’, ‘Black’, ‘Rosewood’, and ‘Oak’.